Thursday 27 August 2015

Abbreviation, Jargons and Acronyms

Abbreviations are shortened versions of one or two words which are still pronounced the same way, even if they are written as an abbreviation.
Abbreviations are initials of words,names or things.


1.      BPO- Business Process Outsourcing
              The outsourcing of specific functions of a business to a third party.
 2.      FAQ- Frequently Asked Questions
              A common section in most sites containing common queries from the                         visitors.   
  3.     NASA- National Aeronautics and Space Administration
              An American government agency handling space research. 

An abbreviation formed from the initial letters of other words and pronounced as a word e.g. ASCII, NASA.


1.    UNICEF-  The United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund.
2.    PTSD-     Post-traumatic stress disorder(used in psychology)
3.    OCD-       Obsessive-compulsive disorder(used in psychology)

 special words or expressions used by a profession or group that are difficult for others to understand.


1.    PFA -             Please Find Atached
2.    IMHO -    In My Humble Opinion
3.    HTH -      Hope This Helps

Thursday 20 August 2015

First day of  5th Semester

As defined on Xnews, UETTAXILA, the day for registration... no schedule was defined the shocking news was a teacher said just told the OMEGA section that there was lecture and a Quiz also...


Name:                          Muhammad Yasir Latif

Father's name:            Muhammad Latif  Shah

Religin:                       Islam

Date of birth:              03-05-1996

Home Address:           D.G.Khan,Punjab

Nationality:                 Pakistan

                    I'm studying in Computer engineering department at University of engineering and Technology, Taxila. I can't define myself as if i've any quality that can only be described by my nearer ones. I just have to judge my bad habits. The most bad one is I don't care for everything and for everyone. I'm a selfish one. I've a goal..... a goal to fulfil my own dreams and I'll, InshaALLAH. And my dreams... aaah much much different from anyone else and none can even think about my dreams.